I've two planned this week - on Wednesday is more of a dinner get together, it's potluck and I'm making a pork and apple stew, I think. On Friday is Toga Night! Now that's something I've been looking forward to! Lol. Shameless. Yeah, I've my navy-blue bedsheets, my leather slippers, the white, braided cords to tie around my waist... and a gold crown! Kinda. It's this hair band I painted gold... Oooo! Can't wait.
I'll also be taking the train down to Sydney this Saturday afternoon with a couple of people from the Queer Collective. (Ah-hem... To the people who don't know, ie, Mr Pooh, well, er... Now you do. :P Ok ok, don't shoot me.) And like I've told a few of you, it amazes me how well-organised the queer community is here. This group, along with a few others like the Womans' Collective are funded by the school. Of course it can be pretty scaring walking into a room for the first time with all these fruitcakes (I'm the cherry) sitting around in a circle. One of the funnier members doesn't shave her pits and has fantastic one-liners. No surprise she's also from the Womans' Collective.
Last Saturday was very Asian. For lunch I had the fried udon I prepared earlier and froze while dinner was Asian take out, a "Combo-box" of fried noodles, which can be compared to Singapore's Hong Kong noodles. Not too bad I must say. Oh dear, it's been awhile huh. I'm saying Aussie-fried Chinese noodles are not bad! But really, it wasn't that bad. I also had my first try of fortune cookies! They were pretty much like butter cookies.
Now the reason for the take-out was because we were watching a movie! Yes! The Cinema Under the Stars was a pretty good experience. Next time I'll bring a big cushion though. My neck hurt.
Tomorrow we're going to the beach for our first assignment - The Wall. We're supposed to build a wall with sand as a group of ten and then choose a part of the wall and "define" it as your own. Sigh... Isn't this what school should be like?
Miss you all back home.