Good News! You have a premium ticket throughout this year. This is especially so for males. For females, you would gain more benefits if you could get assistance and support from males. In general, you will do very well in terms of career and wealth. If you have any plans, personally or professionally, this year is the time to put them into action. Despite your success in career and making more money this year, you will still feel a strong sense of insecurity and emptiness within. You will tend to be moody and depressed. Your moodiness will affect your emotions, relationships, wealth and health this year. This may lead you to indulge in activities in order to escape from the truth. The deeper you try to bury the issues, they will come back to haunt you. Why not take the opportunity of being in such a good year to work on these issues?
This is a good year in terms of career. There are chances of promotions. Your bosses and authority figures will give you ample opportunities to shine. You are going to exceed their expectations. You will be given more trust and responsibilities. There are also signs of salary increases. If you are in business, this is also the year to consider expanding your business, increase your market share and grow your revenue.
It is very good for both your main sources and side sources of wealth. However, you might overspend this year. Whether your money will be able to grow exponentially depends heavily on whether can you save this year.
For those who are married or attached, it will be a rocky year. This is mainly due to the insecurities and moodiness. The relationship tends to grow weak and brittle when one party is always not in a good m ood. Gossip or devious third parties could easily worsen the situation. Communicate clearly as to how you feel to your partner. If you are unhappy and it has nothing to do with your partner, let your part ner know. For those who are single, the chance of getting attached is slim due to your emotional instability. Before you can attract the love of your life, you need to stabilize your emotions first.
Your health is average in general. Do not indulge in activities that might harm your health such as drinking and eating excessively.
Average. You do not need to worry about back-stabbings and betrayals.
Place a Citrine or an Agate in your room or office to stabilize your emotions. Place a Vanadinite to curb overspending.