I had scrambled eggs, cooked by myself, some prunes, and matza (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matza) really dry biscuits without yeast. They’ve got this Passover feast now, and basically they can’t eat anything with yeast in it.. Which is like everything! Well, the food is limited.
As the brochure says, The Rocks is where Sydney began.
The Rocks market is also known for the arts and craft and while I didn’t get anything, we bought chocolate-coated strawberries and ate them along the way. Lunch was a simple affair of take-away fish and chips, eaten by the water side.
I arranged to meet Sameer for dinner since Steffen had a dinner to attend on college and being the vice-president of social meant he had to go.
Sameer picked me up and I met his partner, Lee and we headed to Newtown for dinner. Sameer is a 5th year student studying medicine in Newcastle while Lee is an actor. Since Sammer felt like drinking we got a cheap $9 rosé to to share. Dinner was at - get this - Thaitanic! Good grief! What a name huh!
I was afraid dinner wouldn’t go smoothly as this is probably one of the first few times meeting him in such an intimate setting.
Thankfully, dinner was pretty decent and I would even say enjoyable and conversation flowed pretty easily. And it wasn’t the alcohol in my system since I stopped at one glass.
Dinner ended at 10pm and I made my way to the train station, where I had an hour and a half wait for the train. I didn’t manage to sleep at all on the three-hour ride back. Something I find surprising since I normally sleep in the train.
As I was walking back to my room from the station, Warabrook, I spied a family of rabbits. It was a stark contrast, Sydney with the teaming people, and Newcastle, not a soul, just the rabbits.
Oh, my new phone. :)
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