Today marked the end of one of my four courses, Architectural Design, and it ended with a presentation of our assignment. If you recall, this is the one where we had actual clients come in and talk to us. the lovely ladies from High Tea with Mrs Woo were back again and this time to see the final work. Yeah, like all presentations I was feeling a little jittery, but confident that I had done a good job.
We were being assessed by two student tutors, one being my own tutor and the other from another group with whom I've had no interaction with. There are twelve groups in total, each divided into groups of ten. Through this time the lecturer (ie person-in-charge of this course) walked around sitting in for various presentations. The two clients did the same.
It so happened the lecturer and one of the clients was there for my presentation. (I was secretly pleased they were, because they were the best critiques, and were not obliged to be "nice" in any way) Halfway through presenting I realised both clients were there. And they liked my work! Apart from my assessors complimenting me on my technique, idea and flow of the work,(this was sufficient) the clients were interested enough to com up to where I was to look at my work more closely. The feeling was indescribable. JR, the lecturer was complimenting me on my drawings and saying things like far better for a first year student's work. The clients took up my model to hold and look at. Haha. JR commented on the form of my building saying it was pleasing to look at as well.
So, with that, he now knows my name. Watch for it, John Siow architects. (Insert REALLY big grin) I still know that my work is not perfect and it'll take awhile before I reach perfection. But that is why it's so fun, the journey.
But, what goes up must come down and I have to quickly ground myself for the reaming three assignments.

Speaking of highs, check out what I came across: Heels to kill
I think they look stunning, in a morbid kinda way... Every step a torture.
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