I remember sitting in the garden in the late afternoon, the sun on my face an the wind blowing.
That was after most of the preparations had been done - the flowers bought from Far East had been arranged and put up, the floor swept... The 2 heavenly slabs of beef gently roasting in the oven, with their delectable smells wafting through the air.
The menu that night was two 2kg slabs of roast beef and a 3kg slab of pork, rolled and stuffed with prunes and apples. That was accompanied with the perfect red cabbage. There was also a platter of roast vegetables which I had to force myself not to gobble up - the roast pumpkin was to die for. There was also my favourite roast sweet potato! Oooooo! And for carbs, we baked our own bread! I can tell you, you've got to hand it to bakers who knead their own bread! It took forever. We baked two types, a flaxseed and black sesame with wholemeal and a poppy seed loaf! Yup, poppy seeds which we bought locally.
I don't know how genuine they were and I can't tell anyway, so I'll just take the lady's word for it that they were poppy seeds.
You don't get high on them. At least I don't know how to prepare them such that they wil make you high. So, will poppy seeds cause you to fail a drug test?
Poppy seeds come in two colours, the black and white. If I am not mistaken, the white is generally used for pastries and savoury dishes, while the black can be used for curries and stews.
We went for the usual midnight mass after dessert of a annual flaming christmas pudding with rum and some strawberry port to wash it down.
Of course we didn't get seats at church. I don't know what it is... But I am beginning to questions my faith, or the lack of it.
Popped by Chin Sin and Thad's place after mass and but I didn't drink. Thad was pissed drunk. Lol.
Can't wait for tomorrow. Will be seeing the blondes. Amir is playing for th RJ alumni band. but I think you know who I'm wanting to see, no?
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