Nick got me two tailored shirts! Very nice. And pants too! Argh, feel bad. It still amazes me when we finish each others' sentences or when we know each other's humour so well that it just cracks us up. Lol. I was laughing on the way back in the cab.
De got great Christmas presents too. They were early and not wrapped, but they were #1 issues of some of my favourite comics like Wonder Woman (Wonder-f**king-Woman!) and Supergirl. I think I am gonna frame those up. Can't believe he got them. And I suppose it has been awhile since I have been reading comics but I so miss doing that.
We ate at the above Tonkatsu restaurant, Tonkichi. Great food, and you would probably never have realised that there were a few variations to the seemingly-common tonkatsu. It is quite a different experience - to start with you get to grind your own sauce! Well, just the sesame seeds and then you can add your own chili powder... I loved the pickles. Always have. I could just eat them with rice on its own. To wash it all down we had ume-shu. All very tai-tai like.

Also spent a bomb on facial cleansing products. From no less than Kiehl's. I shan't say how much, but I suppose it was an investment for my face. Oh dear, what a blonde.
I should go to bed.
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